Monday, December 8, 2008

December Newsletter

“In His name, the nations will put their hope.”
Matthew 12:21

As our family enters into this holiday season in Guatemala, we are trying to focus on the hope that Jesus offers in His birth. We look at many in Guatemala who have no hope and we pray that we would be able to convey to those that we meet where we get our Hope.

Many in Guatemala can’t afford to feed their families. This time of the year, many fathers and whole families go to the coast to work at the sugarcane or coffee fincas (plantations). Many of them go so that they can feed their families until they plant their crops again at the beginning of the rainy season. Many others will try their luck at getting into the United States. Don has been talking to one of the guys, Alfredo, who used to live at the Home about going to the States. He is tempted to go so that he can afford to build a house for the family that he may have someday. Don is trying to convince him that the United States is not the Promised Land but is expensive and will be hard, especially for illegal immigrants. It is a hard sell when they can see the money some of the men have brought back to Guatemala from their time in the States. Alfredo works hard. He is a teacher during the school year and the Home hires him to tutor the kids and help them with their school work. Right now school is out, so he is helping with projects at the Home. He also helped with the census that the Guatemalan government recently took. But even with all these jobs, he can’t get ahead here. Where is his hope of being able to build a home or even owning a motorcycle for transportation? Where do the Guatemalan people go to find jobs that will allow them to live more than “paycheck to paycheck”? We pray that Alfredo is listening and does not try to cross illegally into the United States. We pray for the Lord’s provision for him and we pray that the Lord will be his Hope.

If you are keeping up on our blog, we recently wrote about a wedding that we attended. One of the Guatemalan traditions at the wedding involved a bell. The bell was hung from the ceiling and had long ribbons hanging from it.

At the end of the ceremony, the bride and groom knelt under the bell while their mothers pulled on the ribbons. Confetti started to drop from the bell symbolizing a blessing from the parents over the newly married couple. The parents are filled with hope for their children as they begin their married life.

Once the confetti dropped, the mother of the groom kept pulling and pulling her ribbon. We could not figure out what she was doing until the bottom of the bell opened up more and two white birds flew out.

White birds, usually doves in the Bible, symbolize the Holy Spirit who came after Jesus ascended into heaven. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter and our Gift from God. He represents our Hope.

May you and your family focus on the Hope of the nations this Christmas season. May the Lord be the center of your celebration. May He bless you and be your Provision and your Hope. – The Allison’s

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