Sunday, October 12, 2008

August Newsletter

Allison Family in Guatemala Update
August 2008

Do you remember playing hide’n’seek as a kid? If you were “it”, you would count to 50 or some number and then call out “ready or not, here I come!” We feel like our departure date is yelling that at us! “Ready or not, you are leaving soon!” We are not ready and the days seem to be flying by very quickly. We found out the other day that the kids have been praying that the days would go fast until we leave. Apparently the Lord is answering their prayers!

Don leaves on Saturday, September 6th to drive through Mexico. We are praying about what to pack in his truck and talking to the Transmigrante office in Texas to see what he can take. They have lots of rules about what you can and cannot take through Mexico.

Lori and the kids leave on Thursday, September 18th and will fly into Guatemala City. Don will pick them up at the airport and then we will stay overnight in the city before heading up the mountain to Canilla. We won’t start packing for that part of the trip until we see what Don can’t take with him.

We have a couple prayer requests that we would like to share with you. If the Holy Spirit lays us on your heart, would you pray? We so appreciate any prayers offered. We are praying for the people who will be living in our house. They are trying to sell their house so that they don’t have two houses to care for while we are gone. We are still trying to reach our financial goals. We trust that the Lord will provide but we would appreciate your prayers on this.

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